Class SC01


Closing date for entries: 12pm, Wednesday 16th October 2024

Benching Times

All exhibits are to be delivered to the Exhibition Hall (located on Courts 1 & 2 of the Margaret River Rec Centre) on Friday 18th October 2024 between 8am and 9.30am

Collecting Exhibits

All exhibits must be collected at one of the following times: 

  • 8.15pm to 9.00pm, Saturday 19th October (after the fireworks)
  • 9am to 11am, Sunday 20th October  


If you are unable to attend at these times, please arrange for someone to collect for you. Your entry form must be presented in order for your exhibit to be collected. 


All Scarecrows need to be freestanding as they will be displayed in the Exhibition Hall. No Stakes.


What is your Scarecrow scaring away? Is it just Birds? Red tape? Feral Animals? Or some other environmental damage?
Or is your Scarecrow not scary at all, but something to make everyone smile?
This can be a solo or group project - get together with family, friends, or even your school class!

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Class SC01: Scarecrow Entry Fee: $2.00 Location: Exhibition Hall This class is not currently open. Prizes: 1st - $50, 2nd - $25